Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Recap

Here are just a few pictures of our Easter. We let Bubs check out his Easter basket before church on Sunday.
The Easter Bunny didn't go overboard this year. Just a few Elmo eggs with M&Ms, sidewalk chalk & an Elmo Easter book. Funny how the Easter Bunny knew Bubs was totally into Elmo.
After church Bubs was in a squirrely mood.
I was trying to get him to stand still so I could get a nice picture.
Finally he cooperated.
Sort of.
Looks kinda guilty,
doesn't he?

Real men wear pink.

Grandpa & Grandpa B., Great-Grandma & Great-Grandpa Y., & Uncle Keith & Aunt Rachel came over for supper last night. Grandma B. wanted to have an Easter egg hunt.
That's funny Grandma, those don't look like Easter eggs.

She hid tons of toys all over the yard.

And that is why the Easter Bunny didn't go overboard....because he knew Grandma B. would. I think the Grandpas enjoyed the dump truck just as much as Bubs did.
(if not more)
The family performed a nice rendition of
"The Wheels On The Bus"
Not sure if this is the wipers on the bus,
or the bus driver on the bus
saying 'see you later' part.
Excellent story telling guys!
Unfortunately we didn't see my family this Easter holiday. Bubs & I will head up to my parent's house in a couple of weeks when Hubs is on his golf trip. We missed them this weekend, but will get some quality time with them very soon. Hope everyone had a Happy Easter with their families.


knittingknirvana said...

Looks like a BLAST!!! I love how the whole family LOVES having your little guy enjoy his holiday and do whatever they can think of for him to have the best time. It is really very wonderful.

Totally unrelated topic . . . I want to know more about your hair. Seriously. I have short hair, but have often thought of going super short like yours. How long have you had super short hair? How often do you get your cut? What do you use to style it? Blow dry or air dry? I feel like I need to shower in the morning so I can do my hair--with super short hair does it matter? Seriously, I really want to know. Indulge me PLEASE!!! :)

adb said...

i've had my hair short like this for years. i've never really had long hair---i just don't know how to handle it, plus my hair is pretty thin & I think it would look terrible long. i get it cut every 4-5 wks. i use kenra product--usually the purple taffy stuff in the silver jar. once in a while i use aveda products. i let my hair air dry--really doesn't take too long. i always HAVE to shower in the AM so i can do my hair. it takes me a total of 2 minutes to do. very easy! wouldn't/couldn't have it any other way! thanks for the comments! i'm a huge supporter of short hair---go ahead, cut it off. it can always grow back!

Dreams of a Country Girl said...

i could eat him up -- QT!!!!!

knittingknirvana said...

Thank you for the 411 on your hair!!! :)