Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Diligent Brusher

2 things the kid is obsessed with:
He does it numerous times a day.
Which is good, because check out
his other obsession:

What can I say, the kid takes after his mom.
Thank goodness the kid also likes to run around & get exercise....otherwise I'd really be concerned about the sugar fixation...cavities, obesity....etc.
***Big boy bed update: we are well into our second week sleeping in the big boy bed. Going to bed can sometimes be a challenge & little man makes several attempts to climb out of bed...but with a little book reading, singing twinkle, twinkle little star, & a good back rub, Bubs usually conks out quickly. We've had a few middle of the night wake-ups where he has come into our bedroom saying "I done". Luckily he usually will go back to his bed & fall asleep. We've been really lucky--I think the adjustment is going pretty well!
Unfortunately, still no progress on the potty front.
One thing at a time, I suppose!***

1 comment:

Bree Shaw said...

good thing he likes to brush since he loves oreos:) i love oreos too!

btw: happy birthday! hope it is a good one.