Sunday, November 8, 2009

Random Happenings of the Week

I saw my OBGYN on Friday afternoon. I'm dilated 1 cm & measuring at 37 weeks. Today I'm actually 36 weeks & 1 day. I realize it could be 4 more weeks until I deliver, but I'm making some progress. This week/weekend we worked our butts off to get ready for the arrival of our baby girl. Griffin helped too. He was warming up the infant carrier & making sure it was comfy for baby. Wow, kinda wish I would have gone with more of a neutral carseat. Now it seems a bit boyish. Oh well, too cheap to purchase a new one. We'll just have to make sure we have lots of girly blankets covering her up when we traveling.
Carseat ready to go--check
Bedding & clothes washed--check
Bottles washed--check
Breast pump out & ready to go--check
Baby bag packed--check
Mommy's bag packed--check
Preregistered at hospital--check
Griffin's big-brother present bought--check
Legs shaved--check (just in case)
Oh, guess what...we've changed the name. I'm incredibly indecisive. I have two fantastic names--we are going to use both of them. One for the first name & one for the middle name. The hardest part has been deciding the order. Griffin helped us with our decision this week, and we're pretty happy with our choice. As you can see, I made another trip to Hobby Lobby & got a 50% off letter "C" & spray painted it lavender.
Griffin felt a little left out, so I redid the letters that were in his baby room with some left over scrapbook paper & hung them in his big-boy room.

Hubs worked hard to clean up our storage area in the basement this weekend. We have all of our Christmas stuff ready to go. I was hoping to get the house ready for Christmas before baby came---just one less thing to do after she arrived....but with 70degree weather, it is hard to even think about Christmas. I did however get some Christmas shopping done this weekend (makes me feel SO good!) Since I cannot fathom putting out Christmas decorations, I'll show you the VERY few fall/Thanksgiving decorations I have on display.
The front entry:
(if you look carefully, you can see little man peering out the window)

I really should have taken a close-up picture of the rug in front of the door--it is COVERED with those nasty stinky beetles that won't seem to die this year!
& the mantel:

When I was pregnant with Griffin I took all kinds of pictures of my belly---today I finally took a picture of my bare belly with baby girl. I will NOT be showing that picture, but here is one of me 36weeks & 1 day fully clothed. & If I hear one more person tell me HOW BIG I AM, I'll punch them! Listen, I know I'm large. You don't have to point it out. Come January, I'll be joining Weight Watchers, but for now, let me eat my Big Mac & pan of brownies!
The hardest part of this delivery will be doing it knowing that Griffin won't be able to come see his baby sister in the hospital. With the H1N1 crisis, no one under 18 years of age is allowed in patient care areas. He won't know the difference, but I will. I really wanted the picture of Mommy, Daddy, Griffin & Baby all sitting in the hospital bed. Oh well. I'll have to get over it.
Today Rachel's sister threw a beautiful family baby shower for Rach. I should have taken more pictures---it was ADORABLE! Here is a picture of Hubs' side of the family.

& here's a picture of the happy expecting couple! We're SO excited for the cousins to grow up together. January will be here before they know it!!!


Bree Shaw said...

i think you look cute! i always hated the comment when someone saw you and they would say "you haven't had that baby yet?" does it freaking look like i have had it! why do ppl even say stupid stuff like that?

i just recently joined ww. i am loving it. it is a very simple thing to follow. my boys did some wonderful rearranging of my bod! but i wouldn't trade them for anything, not even my skinny bod back:)

good luck with your deliver and i am excited to hear the name......

Casey Lin Fitness said...

I think you look great Amy! How exciting, it is almost here. The room looks great too!

Hayley said...

You look great! :) I can't believe your little girl will be arriving in just a few short weeks!!! Very exciting! I can't wait to hear her name and meet her!! Talk to you soon!

Our Family said...

I love your mantle! Love the framed words! I'm going to try that! Rest up, mama! Baby's coming!