Sunday, July 11, 2010

4th of July 2010

Finally getting around to blogging about the 4th.  Can't believe we're into July already!
Channing turned 7 months old this week & has started to become more mobile.  She isn't doing a full-fledged crawl yet, but it won't be long.  If she wants to get to something, she figures out a way to roll/scoot/drag herself over to it. 

Little man loves that sweet corn.  I don't want to jinx things, but we are getting closer to being potty trained--hopefully by the time he turns three we will only be buying diapers for 1.  Griff's vocabulary continues to grow & he pretty much knows his colors.  The kid loves to ride his bike, go to the pool & will basically do anything for a piece of Trident gum. 

Papa entertained Channing while Griff played games in the park on the 4th. 

Griff gathered plenty of candy at the parade.  Next summer Griff, Channy & Owen will be fighting over the candy.  I'm putting my money on Channy to win that fight.

Great Nana & Great Papa came to visit & were able to spend some time with the kiddos. 
& Jas celebrated a birthday this past week. 
 Happy 31st babe!

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