Sunday, September 12, 2010

I almost forgot how to blog....

Yo, Yo, Yo.  I'm still here.  Been busy with stuff, ya know?!  Just gonna warn you, lots of pictures to unload, or upload...whatever.  Prepare for picture OVERload!

Before I dive into talking about Griff's 3rd birthday, I have to mention that this little monkey is now 9 months old.  She's crawling at lightening speed, pulling herself up on everything she sees, & is starting to cruise around objects.  She is phasing out some of her bottles during the day & has started to eat more & more table food.  At her 9 month appointment her Dr. was thrilled with how she is doing & amazed at how mobile she is. 
 Here are her stats:
Height: 28 7/8 inches long (90%)
Weight: 19lb 9oz (60%)
Head: 17 1/2 inches (75%)

& I am so happy to say that Griffin is potty trained!  He wears big boy underwear during the day & pullups at bedtime.  Car rides are interesting & public urination has been a bit of a problem, but we are working through it. 

Day of Birthday Party:
The morning of Griff's birthday party he decided to run head first into his dad's tailgate on the truck.  Griff gave us quite the scare when he had a lot of blood running down his face.  No ER visit thank goodness.  Some liquid bandaid & steri strips & his forehead was as good as new.

Jason needed some help blowing up the inflatable dinosaur.  Uncle Keith came to the rescue.

Aunt Rachel made this amazing dinosaur cake & cupcakes.  It was all delicious!

Channing got in on the fun & jumped a bit in the dinosaur.

Here are some of Griff's friends (Teagan & Tate)

Looking for some wild flowers with Bailey

What a great smile.  Cheeseball.

Blowing out 3 candles.  Luckily he had plenty of air.

Griff got so many cool toys from his friends. (Ty, Hunter & Carson)

Eating some birthday cake & ice cream (Mia, Carson, Bryson, Ty)

Once it got dark, we pulled out the glow necklaces.  The kids decided it was more fun to use them as whips.  Great idea, Amy.

or headbands.

Little Papa has been through a lot these past few months.  By luck, doctors discovered a tumor on his kidney & he had to have his entire kidney removed.  It was renal cell carcinoma stage III.  We are so thankful to have him home from the hospital & everyday he gets stronger & stronger. 

We went to Big Papa & Nana E's house for another birthday party.  Big Papa made Griff an amazing barn & Nana painted it.  They stocked it full of hay bales & farm animals.  Griff loves it!

Aunt Krista came to visit too.

We had a little water fight with squirt guns.  Everyone was soaked.

I think that was the highlight of Griff's birthday.

We went to Omaha for a few days to continue the birthday celebration.  We swam, saw some good friends, went to the zoo & ate lots of good food.

Jeremy, Zach, Sam & Sydney Leinen.  (Michelle is missing from picture)

We wish they lived closer. 

Griff loved the zoo.

The gorillas were his favorite part

If you are in the Omaha area, I highly recommend taking your kiddos to the Amazing Pizza Machine.  The pizza buffet was so-so, but the atmosphere was spectacular, the games were fun & we didn't get kicked out when Griff dropped a full glass of milk all over the floor. 

We had such a great week!  And to top it off, the Hawks slaughtered the Cyclones yesterday!

Go Hawks!

1 comment:

Bree Shaw said...

the omaha zoo is the best zoo ever! we went to that same pizza place when we were there and loved it too! so sorry to hear about jason's dad. glad to hear that he is home and recovering. tell him i said hello and that i will be praying for him.