So this summer is flying by. I've been terrible about the blog thing. Here are just a few random pictures I've snapped lately. In the next few weeks I can't wait to show you pictures of Bub's toy room, his big boy room & the updated nursery. Grandpa B. & Hubs have been working hard to get the toy room done so I can get decorating. I've got my work cut out for me.
It is amazing how dirty this kid gets! Good thing he LOVES the bathtub! His favorite activities right now (besides taking a bath) are going to the park, swimming in the pool, playing with his tractors & helping water the flowers. In Bub's opinion, a good solid meal consists of cookies & waffles--& Mickey Mouse & my parent's dog Riley are the coolest things on the planet. He has his ornery moments, but the kid is pretty darn good.
Last weekend we celebrated our friend Peyton's birthday. Bubs had a blast with his little friends. I love seeing all the kids play together. We don't get to see Hayley & Cory's kids very often, so it was fun to see Bubs & Jenna hang. Future girlfriend Bubs? Momma approves!
Tate & Bubs chilled in the alligator pool.
They are going to be best buds. They both share a strong love for tractors & the Cubs.
Besides keeping Bubs entertained this summer, Hubs & I have been golfing quite a bit. The cool weather has been perfect for this pregnant lady.
Well, that's all I got. I'll try do better about bloggin'. I've got lots of fun ideas for the kids' rooms. Can't wait to get started on everything!
Until then....let me leave you with this disturbing picture. I ask you--where did my kid learn this?
***don't worry, the little bottle of Black Velvet was sealed--Bubs can't open bottles (yet) & we do not condone underage drinking. I especially frown upon 23 month olds boozing, but I had to sneak a picture of Bubs pretending before I put a kibosh on the whole taking shots thing. No wonder Grandma & Grandpa always say he's so well behaved & no wonder Bubs is always asking for "juice" at their house. Hmmmm....***