Sunday, December 18, 2011

Channing's 2!

Channing's 2 year stats:
Height:   33 1/4'' (35%)
Weight:   24 3/4 lb  (25-28%)

Our little princess loves to chat & enjoys singing ABCs (she really only sings A-B-C...we're working on the rest), Twinkle-Twinkle, Rock-a-bye Baby, & Row Row Row Your Boat; she has a strange high pitch voice at times & then other times has a very raspy (sexy) voice; she loves to dance; she loves to color; she loves babies; she loves noodles; she loves cereal; she loves chips (she pronounces as "cheeps"); she ditched her pacifier several weeks ago;  she loves her blankie & her stuffed kitties; she loves to hug; most of all, she LOVES to follow her brother around. 
We love our little girl SO much & are truly blessed to have her in our lives.

The family all came over to help us celebrate. 

A 2 year old party is exhausting!

Family Pictures

We finally had some professional pictures taken. I'm so happy with how they turned out.  We went to Danielle Moore & she was fantastic.  The kids were wonderful & a little bribing with Starburst candy goes a long way! Enjoy.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Santa 2011

We went to see Santa
on Saturday night. 
It did not go well. 
I didn't have high expectations...I still remember how well it went last year (insert a boat-load of sarcasm) 

(Christmas 2010)

This year Griffin told Santa that he wanted a workbench like Little Papa & a Wii. 
Channing was unable to utter a word.  (a slight case of mistaken identity, really...Channing thought Santa was Satan)

Griffin was being sweet & trying to console his sister.  He was explaining to Satan Santa that Channing wanted a dollhouse. 

Poor Santa, he sure looks like he needs a drink, doesn't he? 
I know Momma does.
'Tis the Season!