Thursday, February 19, 2009

Window Shopping

Griffy, can Mommy have her computer back?
Come on Griffy, please give Mommy her computer back.
Pretty pleeeease??? With sugar on top??
I'll give you some M&Ms if you give me my computer back.
Ok, I'll give you the whole pack of M&Ms if you give me my computer back.
GIMME MY COMPUTER BACK!!!!! (on the floor, kicking & screaming)
I don't like to share my toys.
If I don't get a nightly blog posted, you all know why.....
Crap, Griffin is also addicted to blogging.
Not good.
Well, Husband is off playing volleyball & Griff is sleeping, so Mommy gets to do whatever she wants!!!
Go figure, the only night I get control over the remote & there is nothing good on TV.
I used to LOVE Thursday nights.
Grey's Anatomy followed by Private Practice.
Lately Thursday night TV has been sucking real bad.
I think Grey's is circling the drain.
The writers have been trying to revive this show for some time now. Their most recent (SUPER LAME) attempt was to do a crossover episode with Private Practice.
Great, now Private Practice (which actually hasn't been that bad lately) has been contaminated with the 'Sucky TV' virus. Now it's just a matter of time before Private Practice starts coding.
For goodness sakes, just make Grey's Anatomy DNR and let it go.
Unfortunately I have a feeling it is going to be a long drawn out VERY painful death.
So, since TV is rotten, I'll get crafting.
I love old windows.
See that cabinet below?
We found that window in our old house in Washington and my very talented father-in-law made the cabinet and used the window as a door for it.
Neato, eh?
I found the window that is hanging over our spare bed at a little antique store in Washington several years ago.
I think old windows can be used ANYWHERE for ANYTHING.
Just because old windows get replaced with shiny new ones, doesn't mean the old ones have no use. They have a lot of life left in them.
I found this big guy in South Amana a few weeks ago. It doesn't have glass, but I hope to one day hang it over a crib; so not having glass is OK with me. Plus it was significantly cheaper without the glass.
Tonight I took my trusty staple gun....
....12 sheets of pretty, pretty scrapbook paper.....
.......and stapled to my heart's content.
I know this would look fabulous with fabric too.
I can change it out quickly & inexpensively if I do decide to switch up the color scheme in the room.
Great, that only took about 20 minutes. Now what am I going to do?

Well, I didn't do any blog stalking last night, so I better catch up.

1 comment:

Hayley said...

You're so creative! Love the window! :)