Monday, March 2, 2009


OK, I can't go to bed without getting a few things off my chest....
I would have never in a million years expected that to happen....oh wait, I read what Reality Steve had to say, so I guess I did expect that to happen!
Jason proposed to Melissa---then at the After the Rose Show he breaks up with Melissa & asks for a second chance with Molly.
Molly looks confused and then starts rubbing his leg & makes out with him.
weird, awkward & SO planned!
Well, I certainly got the drama I was longing for...and then some.
Let's bring back Shannon & throw her into the mix.
Now that would be some good TV.
Oh, and I think that Molly & Jason were dating behind Melissa's back...and pretty sure Melissa suspected something too.
Did ABC concoct this whole switcheroo?
I think ratings were down so they resorted to this kind of storyline.
People, no reality TV is really "REALITY."
P.S. The DeAnna thing was dumb--and her outfit was horrendous & unflattering.
P.S.S. This show is stupid, so when does the next season start?

1 comment:

MadKanga said...

I am a Jason-player-hater! Seriously, he acts like he's this great dad (while meanwhile marrying, proposing or getting engaged to 3 different women), he totally copped out of a COMMITMENT (don't diss on your ex-wife- you LEFT Melissa after TWO months of 'trying'), you broke up with Melissa on national television (class act) and then you tell her it's for another woman (again- very classy)....ugh! Additionally, way to go Molly- have a little respect for yourself and stop kissing on him when he dissed you on national television as well! I heard it was staged - who knows. Can't wait to see what tonight's show is all about: is he gonna leave molly for deanna? by the way- she should be on Glamour Dont page for that outfit! Okay, I'm done ranting FOR NOW!