Monday, June 28, 2010

June is flying by.....

I changed up the spare bedroom a bit.  Since we made the office into Griff's room, all of Jason's junk important office stuff had to move downstairs.  Can't even see it, can you? (don't you dare open that closet door!) 
Almost everything in this room was either stuff I already had (like the classy futon from Jason's college days), or stuff I found dirt cheap at thrift stores or garage sales. The only things I did pay a little extra for was the bedding (bed in a bag from Wal-Mart...still super inexpensive) & I had the talented Jen A make these pillow covers for me.  Don't you just love the ruffle pillow? 

That lamp on the table was $7.50.  Oh yeah, it works.  I added some ribbon to the shade, but I'm thinking the base needs a little paint lovin'. 

The IKEA storage unit in the corner came from the upstairs office.  I tried to "pretty it up" as best I could.  Below you can see that dang office junk peeking from behind the divider....kind of an eye sore.  Jas has yet to clean that area up.  A nice white sheet on the futon, some throw pillows & a quilt from Jason's Grandma, and it looks almost cute.   
Umm, no. 
But if you could have seen what the room looked like a month ago (sorry, forgot a before pix), you'd say that it is much improved.

Onto stuff about the kiddos... 
Every time we go swimming Griff gets a little braver.  He'll dunk his head, jump off the side of the pool & go down the kiddie slide.  A far cry from being an olympic swimmer, but I'm just thrilled he likes to be in the water. (Griff with his new pals at the pool)
Channy is also loving the pool. 
She's posing here with Ella.  Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue, here we come!

I took Channing to her 6 month appointment last week. 
Here are her stats:
Height: 26 3/4inches (90%)
Weight: 17lb 14oz (85%)
Head Circumference: 17 1/4inches (75%)
Still nicely proportioned

Yesterday I picked my sister & my mom up in Des Moines & we headed to Omaha to meet my other sis. 
We had a special night planned with Michael Buble
So hot.

Yes, he is trying to look down my shirt.
We had a fantastic time. 
There was a lot of finger snappin', toe tappin', lap slappin'
And who can forget them jazz hands. 

It was magical.
Enough said.


Casey Lin Fitness said...

Love the spare bedroom, puts mine to I better start working on it..I love Michael Buble'!

Bree Shaw said...

you are so creative! i wish i had just a smidgen of it:)