Thursday, February 16, 2012

Random Stuff

Some lovey time with Baby Reid. 
He is such a sweet little guy. 

A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of spending an hour with Griffin at his preschool.  The preschool class had a Teddy Bear Picnic--the kids were to bring a teddy bear from home & they performed "Gordon & The Three Bears". 

This was Griff's first acting gig. 
He was prepared. 
He knew the words to the entire story.  He could have played any of the parts. 
He was cast as Papa Bear. 
He put on the fancy jacket & really looked the part. 

Things were going well until he had to take a restroom break half way through the play (not surprising, the kid has a weak bladder like his momma).  It pretty much went downhill from there. 

With some coaxing,
he did come back out onto the "stage". 
But he froze. 
He couldn't/wouldn't utter a word. 
He knew those lines,
but he just clammed up. 

He still looked cute!   
His little pals did a great job though.  
Some were able to say their lines,
others were shy like Griff. 
Nevertheless, they were all adorable. 
The award winning performance can be found here: 

After the performance,
the kiddos ate their sack lunches. 

(the cutie in the corner is griff's pal henry)

The day ended with a little dancing. 

This little class is going to be so much fun to follow.  It is amazing to look at these kids & wonder what they are going to be when they grow up.  Although Griff may not have a future in acting, I just know he is going to do BIG things in his life.  He is a pretty spectacular kid & is lucky to be growing up with this impressive peer group.   

***We have some big news***
1)  Little bear is wearing big girl undies!  She is pretty much potty trained.  We still do the pullups for naps & goodnight diaper for bedtime, but she is doing so well at going to the potty!  Girls are much easier to potty train than boys! 

2)  She can count to 10, sing her ABCs & Twinkle Twinkle....and you can understand her ;)

3)  Griff is finally sleeping in his bed!  For what seemed like FOREVER, he was sleeping in his sleeping bag on his floor for part of the night, and then pulling it into our bedroom for the remainder of the night.  For some reason he hated sleeping in his bed.  We figured we needed to break that habit before sister gets into her big girl bed.   Our trick was put the bed up against the wall & stack up pillows & call it a fort.  I think we had him at "fort". 

4) He can write his name....doing Valentine's was pretty challenging and at times frustrating, but we did it!

5) Nana B. has a BIG birthday tomorrow!!

Happy 60th Nana, We LOVE you!

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