Sunday, April 25, 2010

Catchin' Up

This big gal is 4 1/2 months old. 
She's eating cereal, she's trying green beans, she's rolling onto her stomach, she ALWAYS has a smile for you, & she's FINALLY sleeping thru the night...well, not consistently--but at least we know she is capable.
Channing loves to roll to her belly...she's done a complete roll at daycare, but we haven't witnessed
one yet.
We took her in for her 4 month checkup on Friday.
Her stats:
Height: 26 1/8 inches long   90-95%
Weight: 15lb 10.4oz   75%
Head Circ.: 16 1/2 inches   75%
She's one healthy gal & we are so lucky.

This girl has done a complete 180 from several months ago.  She's happy ALL of the time (except when she's overly tired).  She's sleeping better & occasionally thru the night (NEVER thought it would happen).  She's eating well & actually enjoying SOY formula (took awhile to get that acid reflux under control). 
Hubs & I are finally adjusting to life with 2 kids.  It wasn't easy at first (especially during tax season), and it still isn't "easy", but we are getting the hang of it & starting to relax a bit.  I've learned not to take things too seriously, and to enjoy the ride. 
(yikes, check out that serious bald spot)
This is what matters most in life:
a loving family & good friends


Bree Shaw said...

what a cutie! i thought adjusting to two kids was harder than three by far. but my husband worked out of town all week when we had our second and then was home working when we had the third. maybe that had something to do with it too:) but i think when you go from 1 to 2 you just don't know what to do and then when you go from 2 to 3 you are used to multitasking and it doesn't seem like that big of a deal. channing sure is getting big, what a cutie:)

Hayley said...

Love the pictures! Esp the one of Griff kissing his lil sis! Adorable! :)