Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter 2010

Last year we thought Griff was scared of the Easter Bunny....this year he was TERRIFIED!!!!  It is crazy to think that I was just a smidgen pregnant in that picture above & now we have this beautiful little girl!

Channing will be 4 months old this week.  We did away with the swaddling about 4 nights ago.  It was a little rough at first, but she's adjusting well.  The past 2 nights she's gone to sleep without even a whimper.  She's still not sleeping through the night, but it is so nice to not have to worry about the swaddling!

After being traumatized by the bunny at the rec center, we took Griff to the park for the Easter egg hunt.

Griff found is limit of 5.  They wanted things to be fair, so each kid could only "find" 5 eggs.  The ground was covered with eggs, so it really wasn't much of a challenge.  Griffin had a blast nontheless.  He had to open each egg as he found it to see what was inside. 
More candy. 

He spotted his pal Tate in the park & posed nicely for this photo.  Can't believe how big the boys are getting!

This morning he checked out his Easter basket here at home.  Momma emptied her wallet last night & filled up them eggs with change.  Luckily Griff (and obviously Channing) can't tell the difference between the coins. 
Lots-o-pennies kids.

Nana & Papa B. had their own Easter egg hunt today. 

Cousins Drew & Kati assisted.

More Candy. 
Nothing better than a 2 year old hopped up on sugar. 

Happy Easter Everyone!


Casey Lin Fitness said...

As we were leaving kyle and I were wondering if Griff was going to sit on the bunnies lap. Those pictures will be priceless at his graduation party!

Hayley said...

Love the Easter Bunny pic!! Also love the one of Channing sitting in the bumbo! SOOO cute!!