Sunday, May 9, 2010

Good to be a Mom

Sleepless nights, poopy pants, never ending drool, stomach flu, swine flu, ear infection, teething, eczema, the "no" phase, splinters, terrible 2's,

acid reflux, urinating in your face, 5 AM wake up calls, a permanent reeking of sour milk, tantrums, snotty noses, grass stains, carpet stains, stained bedding, no window in the house without fingerprints, the biting phase, the repeating of profanity your mother let slip phase, the constant worrying....
(Griff 2 years 8 months, Channing 5 months)
....and it's all totally worth it.  Although being a mom certainly has its ups & downs, I wouldn't trade a minute of it.  The unconditional love, the infinite amount of kisses & hugs, the comedy that can be found in any situation, the single best job in the world:
Happy Mother's Day


Hayley said...

aww! So cute! And all VERY true! Love Griff's new haircut!

Bree Shaw said...

absolutely the truth! i wouldn't trade it for anything either. hope you had a great mother's day!