Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fall Love

 Fall is just flying by. 
The weather here has been fantastic. Iowa is absolutely gorgeous this time of year.

Can you believe Halloween is just around the corner?  After much worry and concern on my part, Griffin has decided he DOES want to be a dinosaur for Halloween.  At first he didn't want to be anything.  He wanted to go trick or treating as "Griffin".  (yes, some days "Griffin" is a scary monster...especially if he doesn't nap long enough)  But with more talk of the upcoming holiday (i call it a decorate for it, you have to buy treats for it, there are Hallmark cards for it.....), the little girls at daycare had persuaded Griffin that Tinkerbell was a really cool costume.  We delicately had the conversation about boys generally not trick or treating as Tinkerbell.  He didn't care.  He still wanted to be Tinkerbell.  Thankfully a Potterybarn kids catalog came full of Halloween costumes. Griffin spotted the shark costume right away.  Hooray, anything but Tinkerbell!  But with the price tag of almost $60, there was no way he was going to get that costume.  A super-duper Momma would have made a replicate of that pricey Potterybarn shark.  Unfortunately for Griffin, I'm just an average Momma.  BUT, I was lucky enough to spot a $9.99 dinosaur costume at Children's Place.  Equally scary, equally masculine, WAY less expensive, and thankfully Griff loves it! 

 Channy was easy this year.  I had originally thought I would dress her as a witch, but that wonderful Children's Place had a $9.99 butterfly costume with her name written all over it.  We are so ready for Halloween! (minus the candy... it has to be purchased the day of, otherwise it somehow disappears)

This little monkey has mastered climbing stairs.  She's a busy little girl.


 Really couldn't get many smiles from this normally very smiley girl. 
I think she was mad about the headband.

Griff has taken up nail biting. A very disgusting habit. 
I wonder where he picked that up from....

After a grueling photo shoot, we took the kids to IHOP for some much needed pancakes. ( & momma needed a serious cup-o-coffee)

Apparently modeling is some very exhausting work.

1 comment:

Nicky said...

Your pictures are fantastic, their outfits adorable... I seriously LOVE Channings moccasins!