Sunday, October 31, 2010

Few more Halloween pix

Well, we made it to 3 houses.  Griff decided he needed to go to the bathroom when we were about 2 blocks away from our car.  We rushed back to Nana & Papa's so Griffin could relieve himself & we decided this Trick or Treatn' thing was for the birds.  It is much more fun (and much easier) to just stay home & pass out the candy.

Just about the cutest butterfly, dinosaur & turtle I've ever seen
(& I couldn't resist taking a picture of their backsides) 

Griff is doing hot laps around me right now.  He's hopped up on some serious sugar.  Thanks Nana B. for that nutritious Fun Dip!


The Little House Frau said...

that first picture is just the best! I heard Griff was having a ball handing out the candy. I agree - the best part :)

Bree Shaw said...

love that backside picture. we didn't even go trick or treating this year. first time in 11 years. the kids wanted to deer hunt instead. kind of say, but kinda good:)