The toy room is 99.9% finished....just need a red frame nailed up around the ABC mural on the wall. There are a few more items to add to the room, but overall, it is ready for some kid action.
I'm so happy with how it turned out. Grandma & Grandpa B. helped my vision come true.
I'm most excited about this chalkboard/magnetic board wall. We taped up the lines & Grandpa B. cut all the white boards you see up there. He never complained least not to me. I was planning on painting all of those boards red, but decided there would be WAY too much red going on. I think the white looks good.
Gotta love IKEA shelving. This big unit sat in our basement for almost a year before we put it together. It didn't take us long to get it together & Hubs & I didn't argue once. I think we're getting better at this project thing. The little table was used in Hub's college dorm room. I found the cute chairs at an antique store in Iowa City & the rug was from our Washington house. The owners left it for has almost gone to Goodwill several times. SO glad I hung on to it! Rugs ain't cheap!
I thought I better get some nice pictures before Griffin & his buddies trash the room. I'm so excited for Griff to have a place to play (and store all of his toys!).
We also finished up the big boy room. NO, I haven't touched the nursery yet. I want to make sure Griff is sleeping in his big boy bed before I paint that room. The safety rails arrived today, so I'm guessing this weekend we'll give the bed a try.
The pictures on the wall were in the office in our Muscatine house. I didn't have a spot for them when we moved into this house, but they fit perfect in Griff's room. The dresser & the night stand were in Grandma B's house. They belonged to her grandma. I love how they turned out with the black paint & new hardware.
This black book shelf moved twice with us now. We inherited it from the owners of our first home. I painted it black, Grandma B. put on a nice coat of shine, & Grandpa B. screwed in some hooks. The picture doesn't quite do it justice. It is supposed to be a locker. I'm still looking for a little stool to put on the bottom.
Grandma B. helped me make my curtains. I got the black out curtains from Target, a little burlap & trim from JoAnn Fabrics. With a little Stitch Witchery & my trusty iron, these curtains turned out pretty darn cute. The window is ginormous, so purchasing a blackout curtain to cover the entire window & down to the floor would have been pricey. I got the duvet cover from one of my favorite stores, Land of Nod. The sports throw pillows also came from there. The other bedding came from Target & Kmart. The little lamps were a Hobby Lobby the clearance aisle! I made the sports pictures on each side of the window. A cheap canvas, black paint, some scrap book paper and a little mod podge & you've got yourself some inexpensive art. (sorry about the glare in some of the pics)
This portion of the bathroom got a paint job. We have Jack & Jill bathrooms, so only this sink area got a face lift. I found the Cubs picture at Target & the star hooks at Hobby Lobby.
I know, the bathroom looks pretty dull compared to the other rooms I showed you. I'll spruce it up somehow, but that will have to wait.
please excuse any spelling or grammatical errors...i'm not quite able to focus right now and can barely keep my eyes open & my fingers working on the keyboard.............zzzzzzzzzzzz