Thursday, September 17, 2009

2 Year Stats & Some Fall Decor

"No sick"
That's why Griffin thinks he got a shot on Monday. I explained to my very intelligent 2 year old that he was going to have to get a shot or owie so that he didn't get sick (I wasn't going to explain all about Hepatitis A....I mean, he's smart, but come on!) It is now Thursday, and he is still talking about his crayon bandaid & "no sick". Little does the twerp know, he's still in store for a flu shot & possibly an H1N1 vaccine (us Iowans don't like the term "swine flu".....kinda hurting our pork market!)
Head Circumference: 19 1/2"
80th percentile
Weight: 29#
60th percentile
Height: 35 1/2"
80th percentile
Strong & Healthy....thank you God!

Not gonna lie,
Now that I'm into my 3rd trimester, my energy level is declining. I'm displaying VERY little fall decor this year. I'm saving all my energy for Christmas decorating before the baby comes. I'll probably start that mid-November, so no sense in going all-out for Halloween or Thanksgiving (very unfortunate because Halloween is one of my favorite holidays!)

Next year I'll do better!


Casey Lin Fitness said...

I think your decorations look great.

MadKanga said...

I have too many things to say I don't know where to start.
1- RED or GREEN tractor? I figure since you're an Iowa fan, I'm guessing Green. Both suck. Anyway, I saw a red & green tractor and had to ask where your loyalties lie.
2- that nursery is adorable!!! i can't get enough. a girl- wow! that has to be a change!
3- fall decorations schmecorations. not when you're carrying child. ALL rules go out the door- my mom told me that one time. When you're pregnant or when someone dies, no rules apply to you. You do your own thing! I agree with her.
Great blogging girl!

Casey Lin Fitness said...

Amy, stinks about the parade getting cancelled but hopefully we will make it to the game tonight and Griff can sign his arm cast. He is lovin having everyone sign it. Thinks he is pretty cool! See you there!