Since we don't have daycare this week I've had both kids at home with me. Challenging. Luckily my MIL & FIL have taken Griff a few mornings so I can get a little more sleep & get something done around the house.
I can't believe this little girl is 3 weeks old already. Unfortunately she isn't sleeping through the night yet. Hubs & I are hoping it will happen in another week or so. HA! Griffin was sleeping through the night by the time he was 8 weeks old. I'm hoping Channing follows suit since that is when I'll be heading back to work.
Wow, Griff looks huge! Ummm, so does Channing next to little Owen.
Griffin almost 28 months old; Channing 3 weeks old; Owen 4 days old
Wednesday night we celebrated Christmas at Jason's parent's house. Ruth outdid herself with a delicious meal & then we opened presents. OK, Griffin opened presents. He pretty much opened everyone's presents. The kid just likes to tear up paper.
Thursday we headed up to my parent's house. The weather wasn't too bad & we were very thankful for that. My sister Kelly and her husband finally got to meet Channing.
My Dad loved rocking Channing.
(yes, Kelly held the baby A LOT.)
And no Christmas is complete without someone in the family getting a Snuggie.
And Grandma's neighbor outdoing himself again this year with Santa, Mrs. Claus & Frosty all fishing off his boat.
When we got home Griff found that Santa had stopped at our house also. Santa really came through.
Keith & Rachel had a beautiful baby boy yesterday afternoon at 2:20pm. Owen Daniel Becker weighed 7lb 0.5oz, and is 21 1/2 inches long. What a wonderful Christmas present! Everyone is healthy & doing great. Rach did it without an epidural! What a woman! I know that many women have babies naturally, but not me. The more drugs the better! Rach was a trooper! What an adorable family!!! The hospital lifted the "no visitors under 18" rule, so Griff & Channing were able to meet their new cousin. Griffin can even say "Owen". I tried to get a good picture of the three kids, but in this picture Channing is spitting up.....
Griffin went to the dentist for the 1st time last Thursday! He did great. It helped that our friend Megan is our dentist. Megan, Ben & Carson had also just come to visit us the night before & her son Carson & Griff had a great time together. Griff's teeth looked great, and the visit was so easy! I was pretty stressed about it & wasn't sure how Griff would act, but it was a breeze. Aunt Krista also came for a visit last week. She brought some pretty presents for Channing. Can't wait to take some pictures of Channing in the dress Krista gave her. Too cute!
Presents are wrapped, Christmas cards were sent---I think I'm officially ready for the Holiday!
Channing is growing like a weed. The visiting nurse came for a visit last Monday & weighed the little peanut. At hospital discharge, Channing's weight was 8lb 2oz. Last Monday her weight was up to 8lb 6oz, and today at her 2 week Dr. visit, her weight was 8lb 12oz (75%). The little piggy eats 3-4 oz every 3-4 hours. I know, sounds like a lot for a newborn, but Griffin was the same way. We worried about him eating too much, but he turned out OK. Speaking of Griffin, he is adjusting pretty well...or as well as to be expected. We've noticed a few more tantrums & he is using the word "NO" more often than we would like, but he has taken a liking to his sister---and hasn't told her to go away yet.
Last Monday Channing's umbilical cord fell off, so she got a real bath. She was less than thrilled. She hated every minute of it. Fortunately, bath time has become more enjoyable for her. Changing her clothes has also been better. Griffin liked helping with her bath--of course he just wanted to play in the water. We've since moved her bath tub into his big boy bath tub. He wasn't quite sure what to think about that at first, but realized quickly that she wasn't going to play with his bath toys.
Here she is just chillin'. We are still working on the schedule. She does pretty good at night, but occasionally thinks she should be wide awake at 2:30 AM.
Look at those eyebrows. She's going to be just like her Momma. A lifetime of waxing & plucking ahead of her. Poor thing!
I had to throw a picture of these on the blog. My MIL finished Channing's stocking, so I was able to hang them all up. I love them! I have regular stocking hangers, but I was afraid to put them on the mantel--never know what Griffin will decide to pull down. Plus they add a little holiday cheer to the kitchen.
Saturday I made sugar cookies. Sunday we decorated them. Griff helped with about 4 of them, which was actually a good thing because all he wanted to do was stick his fingers (or tongue) in the frosting.
Until I have a child that is old enough to really help, I'm not going to make sugar cookies from scratch again. They are a lot of work!
Griff showing some brotherly love. CA-UTE!
Channing's stats from her Dr. appointment today:
Head circumference: 37.25cm (80%)
Length: 21.5in (90%)
Her Dr. said she's doing great, which is always reassuring. Can't wait to see what her 2 month stats will be. Griff was up to 15lb by 2 months & in the 95% for weight. Hopefully Channing is a little smaller than her brother was. Oh well, I love a big healthy baby!
Can't wait for Christmas. We're heading back to my parent's house to show Channing off. Hopefully the weather cooperates! Hope everyone has a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
(no, her legs are not deformed, thetights were a little big)
Due to the blizzard that blew through the Midwest, we had very few visitors while we were in the hospital. Although we wished all of our family could have come to visit, it was actually kind of nice to get some rest before bringing Channing home.
Here is the view from the hospital room. It did look pretty outside....but we were glad we were stuck in the hospital! I felt bad for the nurses that were braving the bad weather to get in for their shifts. It brought back memories for me when I was a floor nurse. A lot of businesses shut down when there is bad weather, but a hospital is not one of them. Thursday morning we got the OK to head home. We found out quickly that Channing does NOT like to get dressed. She's a very easy-going baby, but if you want to make her mad, just change her outfit. Guess we won't be playing dress up for a while.
We are ready to go home & see big brother Griffin!
Channing's first visitors:
Grandpa B.
Grandma B.
Grandma & Grandpa E. & Riley
Keith, Rach & future cousin B.
Darcy, Teagan & Tate
I love this picture of the three kids sitting in the chair. Griffin is pretty sweet on Teagan. She's just a few years older than him....they'd make a cute couple someday (as long as brother Tate approves!)
The visiting nurse comes tomorrow, so we'll see how Channing is growing. She's sleeping pretty good at night, eating well, & having no trouble messing up diapers. Hubs & I are so blessed to have two beautiful healthy kids.
Oh, & thanks for all the comments, emails & text messages!
I am a wife, mother, aunt, sister, daughter, friend, dorky goofball who LOVES her life! I have the greatest husband and have been blessed with a beautiful son & daughter. I am so lucky and count my blessings everyday. I started this blog to capture all the little & BIG things in my life. Someday my children & grandchildren will be able to read this and know what I was REALLY like.