Griffin went to the dentist for the 1st time last Thursday! He did great. It helped that our friend Megan is our dentist. Megan, Ben & Carson had also just come to visit us the night before & her son Carson & Griff had a great time together. Griff's teeth looked great, and the visit was so easy! I was pretty stressed about it & wasn't sure how Griff would act, but it was a breeze. Aunt Krista also came for a visit last week. She brought some pretty presents for Channing. Can't wait to take some pictures of Channing in the dress Krista gave her. Too cute!
Presents are wrapped, Christmas cards were sent---I think I'm officially ready for the Holiday!
I am a wife, mother, aunt, sister, daughter, friend, dorky goofball who LOVES her life! I have the greatest husband and have been blessed with a beautiful son & daughter. I am so lucky and count my blessings everyday. I started this blog to capture all the little & BIG things in my life. Someday my children & grandchildren will be able to read this and know what I was REALLY like.
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