Monday, December 21, 2009

Busy Week

Channing is growing like a weed. The visiting nurse came for a visit last Monday & weighed the little peanut. At hospital discharge, Channing's weight was 8lb 2oz. Last Monday her weight was up to 8lb 6oz, and today at her 2 week Dr. visit, her weight was 8lb 12oz (75%). The little piggy eats 3-4 oz every 3-4 hours. I know, sounds like a lot for a newborn, but Griffin was the same way. We worried about him eating too much, but he turned out OK. Speaking of Griffin, he is adjusting pretty well...or as well as to be expected. We've noticed a few more tantrums & he is using the word "NO" more often than we would like, but he has taken a liking to his sister---and hasn't told her to go away yet.

Last Monday Channing's umbilical cord fell off, so she got a real bath. She was less than thrilled. She hated every minute of it. Fortunately, bath time has become more enjoyable for her. Changing her clothes has also been better. Griffin liked helping with her bath--of course he just wanted to play in the water. We've since moved her bath tub into his big boy bath tub. He wasn't quite sure what to think about that at first, but realized quickly that she wasn't going to play with his bath toys.

Here she is just chillin'. We are still working on the schedule. She does pretty good at night, but occasionally thinks she should be wide awake at 2:30 AM.

Look at those eyebrows. She's going to be just like her Momma. A lifetime of waxing & plucking ahead of her. Poor thing!

I had to throw a picture of these on the blog. My MIL finished Channing's stocking, so I was able to hang them all up. I love them! I have regular stocking hangers, but I was afraid to put them on the mantel--never know what Griffin will decide to pull down. Plus they add a little holiday cheer to the kitchen.

Saturday I made sugar cookies. Sunday we decorated them. Griff helped with about 4 of them, which was actually a good thing because all he wanted to do was stick his fingers (or tongue) in the frosting.

Until I have a child that is old enough to really help, I'm not going to make sugar cookies from scratch again. They are a lot of work!

Griff showing some brotherly love. CA-UTE!

Channing's stats from her Dr. appointment today:
Head circumference: 37.25cm (80%)
Length: 21.5in (90%)

Her Dr. said she's doing great, which is always reassuring. Can't wait to see what her 2 month stats will be. Griff was up to 15lb by 2 months & in the 95% for weight. Hopefully Channing is a little smaller than her brother was. Oh well, I love a big healthy baby!

Can't wait for Christmas. We're heading back to my parent's house to show Channing off. Hopefully the weather cooperates! Hope everyone has a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

(no, her legs are not deformed, the tights were a little big)


Nicky said...

She is a cutie! Looks like you guys are getting along fantastic. Merry Christmas!

Bree Shaw said...

so glad you blogged. i love all of your pictures! she looks like she is doing great and griff looks like a big helper. have a great Christmas!

Casey Lin Fitness said...

She is so cute Amy. I just want to cuddle with her. If you ever need to drop Griffin off for a couple of hours, give me a call and he can come out and play with B. Have a great Christmas!

Hayley said...

AWWWWW! I love her! She is so cute!! I can't wait to meet her!!! Travel safe over the holidays! I hope we get to see you! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Dreams of a Country Girl said...

Help me baby jesus -- my utereus just did a backhand spring. and my ovaries just cried out in glory.