Head circumference: 37.25cm (80%)
Length: 21.5in (90%)
Her Dr. said she's doing great, which is always reassuring. Can't wait to see what her 2 month stats will be. Griff was up to 15lb by 2 months & in the 95% for weight. Hopefully Channing is a little smaller than her brother was. Oh well, I love a big healthy baby!
Can't wait for Christmas. We're heading back to my parent's house to show Channing off. Hopefully the weather cooperates! Hope everyone has a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
She is a cutie! Looks like you guys are getting along fantastic. Merry Christmas!
so glad you blogged. i love all of your pictures! she looks like she is doing great and griff looks like a big helper. have a great Christmas!
She is so cute Amy. I just want to cuddle with her. If you ever need to drop Griffin off for a couple of hours, give me a call and he can come out and play with B. Have a great Christmas!
AWWWWW! I love her! She is so cute!! I can't wait to meet her!!! Travel safe over the holidays! I hope we get to see you! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Help me baby jesus -- my utereus just did a backhand spring. and my ovaries just cried out in glory.
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