Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Kids On The Block

Do you think Griff has enough cars?

And that's not even all of them.


Since we don't have daycare this week I've had both kids at home with me. Challenging. Luckily my MIL & FIL have taken Griff a few mornings so I can get a little more sleep & get something done around the house.

I can't believe this little girl is 3 weeks old already. Unfortunately she isn't sleeping through the night yet. Hubs & I are hoping it will happen in another week or so. HA! Griffin was sleeping through the night by the time he was 8 weeks old. I'm hoping Channing follows suit since that is when I'll be heading back to work.
Wow, Griff looks huge! Ummm, so does Channing next to little Owen.

Griffin almost 28 months old; Channing 3 weeks old; Owen 4 days old

The proud dads

The proud Becker clan

(Nice smile Griff)


Hayley said...

Great pics! Can't wait to meet those babies!!!

Bree Shaw said...

love all the pics!!! and btw.... boys never have enough cars! take it from someone who knows:)

Unknown said...

My boys had so many cars and loved them. Sweet memories for me! Love the family pictures. Happy New Year!

MadKanga said...

Just caught up on your blog and sweet Channing. What a little doll! I wonder how having a girl is different from a boy- do you notice a difference from the very beginning or is it something you notice later on in life? I probably will never find out...congrats and merry christmas!