We caved...he got a puppy....
Well not a real one.
Do you think I'm crazy?
With a 2 1/2 year old & a 10 week old....I've got my hands full!
No animals of any kind for a VERY VERY long time.
Griff got a stuffed puppy at Build-A-Bear today. He took his time perusing the display of possibilities. He paused at the frog, but ultimately he settled on the Jack Russell Terrier.
Griff loved every minute of it.
When puppy was stuffed, Griff had to give it a bath & brush it's beautiful coat.
After picking out a stylish Chicago Cubs ensemble, it came time to name the pup. Griff choose Tex. Tex?? Little Papa always puts on a cowboy hat & Griff says "Hey Tex". It's their weird thing...anyway, Tex the Jack Russell was born.
A very happy boy.
He also got this cool car rug for his cars & trucks.
Now you may be thinking, poor neglected Channing....she never gets any presents. Oh, don't you worry. We dropped some serious dough on this little sweetie today. We're trying the "liquid gold" Nutramigen formula out. She's been really good since starting Prevacid, but still spits up a lot & is quite agitated during feedings. I don't think she was fond of the Soy taste....not sure if she has a milk protein allergy or a soy allergy. Maybe she just has an aversion to both. I was going to discuss this with my pediatrician on Friday at Channing's 2 month check, but Dr. had a fever & didn't think it would be a good idea to see Channing. Good call doc. So, we're trialing the Nutramigen with hopes that this will satisfy her.
I don't want to talk about this too much, because I'm afraid of jinxing things, but Channing has slept in her crib 3 nights in a row. We have to swaddle her like crazy, but she's slept pretty well in there. She still gets up once a night to eat, but I don't mind it. At least she's out of our room & out of the swing!
Hubs & I hit the movie theater last night & saw AVATAR in 3D. SO COOL. Initially I wasn't even interested in seeing the movie. Then after all the hype, I decided to check it out. It was hard because it is almost a 3 hour movie. Even though my butt was aching at the end of the movie, Hubs & I were so glad we went. It is AMAZING & we highly recommend seeing it in 3D. It was a nice little Valentine's weekend.
Happy Love Day Everyone!
Liquid gold was good for Kenzi, I hope it's good for Channing, too! In the end, if it works, I'm sure you would almost pay anything, right?
Did Hubs get you your camera you were wishing for on V-Day?
no, sadly hubs didn't even give me a card. he's got taxes on the brain. lame excuse if you ask me!
We used Nutramigen for about 3 months with B and then he finally got over whatever it was that was making him upset. I would use it again in a heartbeat to make a baby happy!
I was thinking the same thing about Nip/Tuck and the stuffed animals...That was a very creepy episode. Weird!
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