Monday, March 29, 2010

Randomness & an S.O.S.

 Go Cubs Go! 
Thank goodness she's a Cubs fan
...we might have had to give her back.

A while back Griff had a biting problem.  It wasn't like he was taking chunks out of people...and we weren't concerned he was turning into a vampire..... he would just get angry (usually if someone took his toys away) and sank his teeth into the first thing he saw.  We had numerous talks about not biting.  We bought books & made him repeat this little phrase every day before going to daycare...."no biting, no kicking, no hitting, no pushing".  Today as I was telling him goodbye & reminding him to be a good boy at daycare (the kid hasn't been biting for months...thank goodness), Griff says to me "no biting, no kicking, no hitting, no pushing, and NO GUNS."    
Glad we've got that covered.

So, blogger changed on me a bit.  I'd like to upload some videos, but I can't seem to figure out how.  Anyone else run into this problem?  I'm not diggin' the new set up.  I also gave up candy today and am feeling a bit irritated.  I need to get off this blog before I throw the computer on the floor.  Seriously, how do I upload videos?  HELP.


Twinmommy2boys said...

I've not figured out how to load video's in the updated version either, so if someone tell you I would like to know as well. However, I did figure out how to change it back to the old editor. Go to the settings tab, the basic tab. Scroll down to almost the bottom of that page where it says select post editor. There you can switch between the old and the new editor. The new one is great for pictures, but I've yet to figure out the video's.

Our Family said...

Let me know how if you figure out the video thing. I'd like to post a couple too.
Also - if you don't use Windows Live Writer, you should check it out. Free and let's you do your whole post almost like a word doc, including putting in pics and stuff. EASY as pie.
And, I'm glad the gun thing was covered for the four year old! Good to start them on safety early!