Monday, March 1, 2010

This & That

Friday Channing finally had her 2 month check up....well, more like 2 1/2 month check. She handled her shots like a champ. She screamed while the nurse held her legs down, but as soon as the shots were over, Channing was fine. I'm used to seeing her mad, so it didn't phase me at all. (I still shed a tear when Griff gets shots).
About 2 weeks ago Channing got her first nasty cold. Lots of snot & lots of coughing. Good times. We tried a few nebulizer treatments, but they didn't do much for her except agitate her. With all the RSV going around, we're thrilled she just had a bad cold & NO ear infection!
Channing has been much better on the Prevacid & we ended up going back to soy formula. She hated that Nutramigen. It smelled like dog food....I won't even tell you what it smelled like coming back up. YUCK! She was a puke machine with that stuff. So, back to soy. Much cheaper & it smells better. She's been eating more & seems more content after bottles.
She's getting plenty to eat. Her weight was 12lb 5.8oz (70th percentile). Height was 23 3/4 inches (80th percentile), and her head circumference was 15 3/4 (75th percentile).
Very well proportioned.
The little stinker still wakes up once a night to eat. She still has to be swaddled at night (super tight), thankfully she still likes her swing, & now she loves sitting in her jumperoo. Saturday night we got away & spent the night with my family. Nana & Papa B. watched the kids (THANKS!). We met my family in Des Moines & surprised my Dad.
He turned the big 6-0 last week.
It was great to spend some time with my sisters, brother-in-law & parents.

What was even better was that Hubs & I got to sleep through the night & sleep in!
We needed it.
We had such a good time.
I'm just mad mom wasn't in this picture!
Love ya family!
Happy birthday old man!
We were happy to get home & see the twerps. Channing gave Nana & Papa B. a hard time....thought maybe she'd start sleeping through the night while we were gone. Nope, no such luck. Griff was a good boy though. He slept in his bed (almost) all night long.
Before coming home we stopped at Homemakers in Des Moines. Sometime in the near future we are going to replace our basement furniture. I didn't decide on the basement furniture, but I did see this little desk that fits perfectly here in the kitchen. Actually it caught Hubs' eye first & he pointed it out to me. Very impressive dear.
We still need to get a little stool for it & it needs a little loving decor, but I think it looks great there.
I also FINALLY finished my cork board. My MIL spotted this frame at her mom's house & thought I could do something with it. I painted the frame black, distressed it a bit, stapled some cardboard to the back & hot glued corks to it. That thing took A LOT of corks. I would like to thank all my friends & family for so kindly drinking all that wine so I could make my masterpiece.
Not only am I jacked that it is March & Spring is just around the corner, I'm also pretty excited that Girl Scout cookies are here!
I love me some thin mints!

P.S. I quit The Bachelor.
Dumbest season by far.
Really, I'm done this time.


Our Family said...

I might be in love with your corkboard. Seriously. In love.

Bree Shaw said...

what a cute idea on the corkboard! you are soooo good and seeing things like that. can you come and do some magic work to my house???