Thursday, April 9, 2009

Because life-size talking bunnies are NOT cool

Hey kids, what is more frightening than Santa Claus & the Tooth Fairy combined?

The freakin' Easter Bunny.
I have a serious problem with a grown person getting into a large fuzzy bunny costume and having children sit on his/her lap. Although not exactly "right", sitting on Santa's lap does serve a need to let him know what you want for Christmas. What is the point of sitting on the Easter Bunny's lap?
I've grown to really dislike rabbits.
It all started with a traumatic experience as a child.
When I was a kid, my dad gave my sisters
and I each a rabbit.
I had an albino rabbit that I named Magic.
Remember that song 'You Can Do Magic' by America?
You can do magic
You can have anything that you desire
Magic, and you know
You're the one who can put out the fire
You know darn well
When you cast your spell you will get your way
When you hypnotize with your eyes
A heart of stone can turn to clay
Doo, doo, doo ...
I sure did love that song & magicians....

anyways, I liked that fluffy first.
But after awhile that fluffy bunny didn't seem so cute.
Those beady red eyes always staring at me.
Those snarly teeth bared.....claws ready to strike.....
I was convinced my bunny wanted to kill me.
Maybe it was because I never fed it.
It wasn't because I didn't want to feed my bunny, but my Dad kept the rabbit food in his shed--where crickets commonly frolicked in the bag of feed. One time, I reached into the bag to scoop up some food for the hungry rabbits,
and a swarm of crickets attacked me.
I was done.
I explained to Dad that if he didn't do something about the crickets, I would NOT feed the rabbits. Dad explained to me, that if we didn't feed the rabbits, he was going to give them away.
After about a week, near starvation, our bunnies went to live across town where, according to Dad, "responsible children would feed them. "
My sisters and I were heartbroken..for like a second.
We realized that the bunnies were in a better place....until several days later we found out a dog had destroyed the cage and ate our bunnies for lunch.
Poor Magic.

This picture actually scares the bejesus out of me.
It's exactly how I would picture Magic coming back from the dead.
Pi$$ed off and ready to kill.
(*i realize i may need some therapy*)
But, I digress, I was TRYING to stay on the Easter Bunny topic.....

Did you know that rabbits are prolific breeders? The females can conceive a second litter of offspring while still pregnant with the first. The two litters are born separately. Freaky little animals. What I still don't get is why at Easter time, you see images of rabbits laying eggs. I understand that eggs & rabbits are symbols of fertility & the new life that Spring/Easter brings....but why the rabbit laying the egg?

Ah hah, now it makes sense.

And don't worry, I'm going to put my fears aside and take Bubs to see the Easter Bunny Saturday. He can form his own opinion about that petrifying creature.


Unknown said...

Watch out...the Easter bunny at the rec center is extra scary. I think the costume is from the 1970's.

MadKanga said...

Very funny. I boycotted the Easter Bunny at the mall this year, as well...$15 to get a picture with that creep? I do enough of that at Xmas time!