So, Husband left for his golf trip Thursday at 6AM...great. fine. see ya later.
Bubs & I had our own plans.
We were going to go visit my parents for the weekend.
All we had to do was get through Thursday
& we were going to leave after I got off work on Friday.
As I pulled into my parking lot at work Thursday AM, I received a call from daycare.
Bubs was sick. Puking sick.
That darn stomach flu bug found us.
Perfect timing.
For Hubs, that is.
Luckily my mother-in-law was able to go pick Bubs up from daycare
because I HAD to see a patient in the clinic.
Thursday was a bad day.
On top of Bubs being sick, that patient I had to see in clinic fell (luckily she was OK). I almost was hit by some stupid white truck on the interstate on my way home to care for my ill son, & when I got home, I noticed a ginormous rabid bat clinging to the side of our house.
OK I exaggerate a little.
But that sucker was gross. Thankfully my father-in-law took care of it.
Thank goodness Thursday ended OK.
No more vomiting. Bubs was acting pretty normal.
Friday AM Bubs woke up with a nasty case of diarrhea.
Again, thank goodness my MIL & FIL were able to stay home with him. Poor Grandma got more than she bargained for around noon. Bubs was definitely not done with the vomiting & the diarrhea continued.
I got home early & was trying to get some fluids in the little guy.
Boy, he sure hates that Pedialyte.
Hates ALL flavors.
I even tried a couple.
They are nasty.
I was able to get him to eat a popsicle &
trick him into drinking some Pedialyte & water.
All the poor kid wanted was milk.
Friday ended with no more vomiting & only a few nasty diapers.
By Saturday morning, Bubs was pretty much acting normal.
I decided not to take him up to my parents house.
I figured that nobody needed to be around a semi-sick kid.
Plus I didn't want to end up with that junk away from home.
Several hours in the car + diarrhea + vomiting=VERY BAD TIME
Diapers haven't returned to "normal" yet, but they have improved.
Husband is almost home.
Hopefully he's prepared to change some funky diapers.
Because I'm going to be off duty for awhile.
I'm pretty sure I've earned it.
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