JOY: I'm thrilled to say, Husband's brother and his wife are also expecting a little baby B. Rachel & Keith are due early January 2010. Bubs is super excited to FINALLY be getting a cousin! Congrats Keith & Rach!
CONCERN: Last Thursday my MIL fell and dislocated her shoulder. To make matters worse, she then threw out her back Saturday morning. Luckily, her back is doing better, but she isn't going to be able to do much this summer. No golf, no landscaping, no picking up Bubs---eek, no doing her hair or putting on her own makeup for quite some time! She's not very good about just sitting around---so it is going to be a VERY long summer for her. Hopefully she makes a VERY quick recovery.
JOY: Husband & I are going to do some much needed landscaping this weekend.
CONCERN: Husband & I are going to do some landscaping this weekend. You would think we were some sort of experts since we did the landscaping at our Washington house & at our Muscatine house, but sadly, we are not. Plus we had some SERIOUS help from Hub's parents. Unfortunately, we are on our own this time. Hopefully when we are done it will look spectacular.
JOY: I finally got some flowers for my basket & that damn bird hasn't come back since I doused my faux flowers on the door with bug spray.
CONCERN: The area still looks a little blah. I'll have to work on finding a little something more for the entryway. I was thinking about painting our house number on the 1st step & then maybe our last name on the second step. We'll see. Hubs gets all weird when I do something semi-permanent like that.
JOY: Bubs is telling us when he has to "pee" or "poo-pee".
CONCERN: Unfortunately, he tells us a few minutes too late. BUT---I think it is great that he is able to recognize when he is going potty. I'm not holding my breath that he'll be trained by the time baby B. comes along----but a girl can dream, right?
CONCERN: This is what Bub's "smile" looks like. I'm hoping it improves before his senior pictures.
JOY: I'm almost 12 weeks pregnant. Almost out of the 1st trimester. Almost feeling back to normal.
CONCERN: My belly is fat. Not PHAT. But FAT. I'm already popping out. I'm already out of my regular clothes and into my super fat pants. I washed all of my maternity clothes this weekend to get ready for the inevitable. I got ginormous when I was pregnant with Bubs. I was hoping to not gain as much weight with this kid.....lofty goal I guess. Oh well, that is what Weight Watchers is for, right?
JOY: Work is busy, but busy is good. I've been able to enroll a lot of patients in my clinical trials---so hopefully that means job security!
CONCERN: Since I've been pregnant, I've been frequenting the lavatories at the hospital often. VERY often. I've noticed that at least once a day I hit a toilet that hasn't been flushed. I realize in some homes people are all about water conservation, and live by the rule "if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down". Fine. But do that environmental goodness in YOUR OWN HOME! I am sick of looking into a toilet bowl and seeing & smelling NASTY urine. Please people, in public restrooms, flush the darn toilet.
Well now that I got ALL of that off my chest, I'll be able to sleep better tonight. Thanks for listening!
1 comment:
you have lots of joys and concerns:) so glad you are getting along good in your pregnancy. it seems that your 2nd pregnancy you show a lot faster than you do on your first one. your body is just all ready to change!
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