Monday, May 25, 2009


We were able to get some major yard work accomplished this weekend. I know, it may not look like much, but we really worked our butts off. Oh, OK, so I guess my a$$ is still here--but Hubs & I did work VERY hard. My back and forearms are killing me. I might have overdone it on the lifting & such, but I figure I lug around Bubs' 30 pound body daily, so what is it going to hurt for me to rip up some sod & carry a few 10 gallon buckets of dirt? It's good to get a workout in during pregnancy, right?

My FIL rented an edger, and that wonderful little machine went all around our house to make it easy to place the pavers. So much nicer than digging up that dirt/sod with that trusty old shovel. When we laid the sod last summer, we didn't lay it right next to the house. We left a little strip bare that we filled in with mulch so Hubs wouldn't have to mow directly next to the house. Well, I wish we would have done everything all at once---sod, edging,planting, mulch---but unfortunately we have to budget for those things and didn't have enough cash last summer to do everything. It was sad (and hard work) tearing up the sod in the front yard & around the trees. You spend so much money to put the sod in, and then we end up ripping it up. What a waste! While I worked on pulling up the sod, Hubs placed the retaining wall blocks.

He still needs to fix a few spots, but overall I think it looks great. Next weekend we'll go purchase our plants, get some filler dirt, and start planting.

We did get ONE area completed today. Around the mailbox. It felt good to finish something!

I think the hardest part was edging around the trees. Unfortunately, we still have one more tree to do in the backyard. We know we have a lot more work ahead of us. We need to put in the pavers on both sides of the house & do the backyard. I'm thinking we probably won't be planting all the way around our house this summer. Too much work & too much money. I would be thrilled if we could get the front completely done by the end of next weekend---mulch & all.

We did have time for a little fun this weekend. Besides hitting the casino with friends Saturday night and going to a graduation party on Sunday, Saturday afternoon Hub's aunt had a family get-together on their farm. Two of his cousins had babies a week or so apart, so we were able to meet both of the little girls. Bubs could have cared less about the babies. He was far more interested in the cows....

and the pi$$ed off bull (it did charge the fence)....

and his latest obsession, the tractor. He loves tractors. Talks about them constantly. It gets old. Hubs is thrilled. At least he isn't obsessing over Barbie. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Seriously.

1 comment:

Bree Shaw said...

looks beautiful! and what is jason worrying about, he liked to play with barbies in high school:)