Sunday, May 31, 2009

Getting There...

We're pretty excited with what we accomplished this past weekend. We planted & mulched & I think it looks pretty darn good for amateurs.

I'm really looking forward to how things will look in about 2 to 3 years. Right now everything is so small, but I'm sure it will fill in nicely.

For Christmas Hub's parents gave us the three statues that we set next to the birch tree. They are 3 little boys; one with a football, one with a basketball, & one with a baseball. At least the little guy with the basketball could pass for girl if we do have a baby of the female variety--just so she doesn't feel slighted.

We still need to get the caps to finish the retaining wall & need a little more mulch to fill in here & there, but for the most part, the front is DONE! Now we have to tackle edging the sides & the back. Probably no more planting this season. Plants are not cheap. It was pretty pathetic--Hubs & I made a quick trip back to the landscaping place last night to pick up three small ornamental grasses. $50 later, we were pleased with the look of the pretty grass, but feeling a little foolish since we spent $50 on three small sprays of grass. Geez, that's a new pair of shoes!

Hey, where's Bubs? He kinda blended in for a moment, that was until he started yelling and not listening to Mommy & Daddy. You know what Bubs? Maybe you could learn a little something from these three guys. Look how well-behaved they are. No talking back, no running into the street, no trampling freshly planted shrubs.

Although definitely the naughtiest & the one with the cheesiest smile, Bubs is by far the most adorable of the bunch!


Bree Shaw said...

looks great! you guys want to come and do ours? we did our front and one side last year and talk about a bunch of work! i did get some flowering plants and you should see them this year! HUGE! and pretty. and bubs does blend in so well and by far the cutest:) love the ornery grin in the last one!

Casey Lin Fitness said...

Looks great Amy! I have been done with the Twilight books for awhile and keep meaning to bring them back to you. What time do you usually get home. I can drop them off. I am so looking forward to New Moon movie I can hardly stand it!