Little man was a cowboy riding his pony. Poor pony looks like he has a broken neck. We kept trying to tell Griff to hold the pony up by the reins, but Griff had no idea what we were talking about. Poor limp-necked horse.
Griff still isn't too interested in the whole trick-or-treating thing. Don't get me wrong, he LOVES the candy part, but he's a little too shy to ring the doorbell & say "trick-or-treat". We made it to Keith & Rachel's house... & then stopped by Grandma & Grandpa B's....
& then back to our house to pass out candy. Griff liked this part the best. He loved running to the door & seeing all the other kids in their costumes. I really think that kids should have to state what they are after saying "trick-or-treat". I honestly had NO idea what half of the kids were this year. Halloween costumes just quite aren't what they used to be. And don't let me get started about those teenage girls & boys going door to door with no costumes on. You're old, get a life. Or at least wear a stinkin' costume!
Griff will have to come over and ride Bryson's horse Daffy, she is a miniature horse and Bryson just loves her! I am there at New Moon, and we will haul you to the hospital as soon as the movie is done if you go into labor:)
I am a wife, mother, aunt, sister, daughter, friend, dorky goofball who LOVES her life! I have the greatest husband and have been blessed with a beautiful son & daughter. I am so lucky and count my blessings everyday. I started this blog to capture all the little & BIG things in my life. Someday my children & grandchildren will be able to read this and know what I was REALLY like.
1 comment:
Griff will have to come over and ride Bryson's horse Daffy, she is a miniature horse and Bryson just loves her! I am there at New Moon, and we will haul you to the hospital as soon as the movie is done if you go into labor:)
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