I saw my OBGYN on Friday afternoon. I'm dilated 1 cm & measuring at 37 weeks. Today I'm actually 36 weeks & 1 day. I realize it could be 4 more weeks until I deliver, but I'm making some progress. This week/weekend we worked our butts off to get ready for the arrival of our baby girl. Griffin helped too. He was warming up the infant carrier & making sure it was comfy for baby. Wow, kinda wish I would have gone with more of a neutral carseat. Now it seems a bit boyish. Oh well, too cheap to purchase a new one. We'll just have to make sure we have lots of girly blankets covering her up when we traveling.
Carseat ready to go--check
Bedding & clothes washed--check
Bottles washed--check
Breast pump out & ready to go--check
Baby bag packed--check
Mommy's bag packed--check
Preregistered at hospital--check
Griffin's big-brother present bought--check
Legs shaved--check (just in case)
Hubs worked hard to clean up our storage area in the basement this weekend. We have all of our Christmas stuff ready to go. I was hoping to get the house ready for Christmas before baby came---just one less thing to do after she arrived....but with 70degree weather, it is hard to even think about Christmas. I did however get some Christmas shopping done this weekend (makes me feel SO good!) Since I cannot fathom putting out Christmas decorations, I'll show you the VERY few fall/Thanksgiving decorations I have on display.
The front entry:
(if you look carefully, you can see little man peering out the window)
I really should have taken a close-up picture of the rug in front of the door--it is COVERED with those nasty stinky beetles that won't seem to die this year!
When I was pregnant with Griffin I took all kinds of pictures of my belly---today I finally took a picture of my bare belly with baby girl. I will NOT be showing that picture, but here is one of me 36weeks & 1 day fully clothed. & If I hear one more person tell me HOW BIG I AM, I'll punch them! Listen, I know I'm large. You don't have to point it out. Come January, I'll be joining Weight Watchers, but for now, let me eat my Big Mac & pan of brownies!
i think you look cute! i always hated the comment when someone saw you and they would say "you haven't had that baby yet?" does it freaking look like i have had it! why do ppl even say stupid stuff like that?
i just recently joined ww. i am loving it. it is a very simple thing to follow. my boys did some wonderful rearranging of my bod! but i wouldn't trade them for anything, not even my skinny bod back:)
good luck with your deliver and i am excited to hear the name......
I think you look great Amy! How exciting, it is almost here. The room looks great too!
You look great! :) I can't believe your little girl will be arriving in just a few short weeks!!! Very exciting! I can't wait to hear her name and meet her!! Talk to you soon!
I love your mantle! Love the framed words! I'm going to try that! Rest up, mama! Baby's coming!
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