Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Closet Envy

I'm having me some serious closet envy. I stare at my closet, my son's closet, my daughter's closest, the spare bedroom closet.....U.G.L.Y. (you ain't got no alibi, you ugly, hey hey, you ugly) compared to these pretties. Here's a little closet eye candy for you all. Oh, how I covet you meticulously organized closets. Maybe I could find something to wear if my closet were as organized as these?
I got an email from Land of Nod yesterday...this was the first picture I saw. B.E.A.U.tiful!

And how stinkin' cute is this little girl's closet? Having a closet with no doors or curtains to hide the clutter is very risky at my house. As my husband says, I'm an of out-of-sight-out-of-mind kind of gal. I wouldn't say that my closets are hideous, but they certainly aren't as pleasing to the eye as these are.
Maybe if I had several more weeks of maternity leave I would consider giving my closets a makeover.....but sadly I don't--so for now I'll just have to dream. Do real people actually have closets like these? If so, I'm super jealous!


Nicky said...

Absolutely! If you are Kimora Lee Simmons and have hired help to keep your closet organized. Otherwise, I can't imagine how anyone could keep it up. Pretty pics though! ;-)

Hayley said...

We can dream right!! :)

Our Family said...

NO. Normal people do not have closets like these. I mean, in the last one, she had three rows of clothes and they were all the same color. And where do you suppose she puts her fat clothes? Or her skinny clothes? Depending on the season or the time period surrounding pregnancy. HA!