Saturday, January 9, 2010

What I've Learned (so far)

I've learned a few things about myself these past few weeks being a temporary stay-at-home mom of two children, and all. The first thing I have learned is that I will NEVER be a permanent stay-at-home mom. I have the utmost respect for moms that are able to stay at home with their children. I LOVE my kids more than life itself, but I do not have the energy to be with them 24/7. It is hard work! Is that wrong? I am fortunate that I love my job outside of the home, & we need the income, so I'll keep on working!

I've learned that you have to multi-task with a toddler & a newborn. This morning as I was feeding Channing, & Hubs was taking a nap {He first let me take a 2 1/2 hour nap. It was WONDERFUL!}, Griff went to his usual place behind the chair to do his business. Moments later he came around the chair stating he needed to go potty. Well, I could smell that he had already done the deed, so I said no, just wait a few minutes & Mommy will change your diaper. Well, the kid proceeded to run into the bathroom, take off his soiled diaper, put his hands in the poo, & then sit on the potty....meanwhile getting poo on everything around him. Excellent. Silly me, I should have been able to assist my child to the toilet & feed my baby simultaneously. {sorry, no pics, I was too frazzled to find the whole ordeal amusing at the time}

I've learned that my memory is fading. I seriously cannot remember the last time Griff had a bath. We usually bathe him every other day...unless it is summer & he is playing outside--then sometimes the kid gets several baths in a day---anyway, I know he had a bath Tuesday before the Orange Bowl, but after that everything is fuzzy. Oh, and we won't get parents of the year for constantly forgetting to change his diaper. I change Channing's so often, that I sometimes forget to change Griff's for hours. Poor neglected kid. He'll most likely be the smelly kid in school & I'm certain he's going to have some sort of complex & need therapy down the road.

I've learned that the longer I am stuck in the house, the more redecorating I will do, the more internet shopping I will do, and ultimately, the more money I will spend. When you constantly stare at your mantel, or a wall, or your laundry room, or your bathroom, or your bedroom....the more you want to change things up. I really need a change of scenery!
Here are some pics of the mantel. I haven't changed anything else...and don't plan to {relax Hubs}, but I did need to get rid of the Christmas decor & I thought I'd freshen things up. It might be a little too much glass; but for now, I like it.

I've learned I hate snow. {I think at some point in my life I already knew that one}
I also hate windchill.
These negative degree days SUCK!

I've learned that Channing is developing her own little personality. She's starting to talk & play more. She hates to nap in her crib, loves to eat, & we're all in trouble if she doesn't burp.

She's also starting to go bald. Bye bye pretty dark hair. I was concerned at first, but the trusty internet tells me that this happens with fluctuations in hormone levels after birth. But, the most important thing I've learned is that my babies go from this.......
{griff 7wks old} this
in such a short period of time & even though some days are VERY frustrating, I shouldn't take any of it for granted. Time flies, and I need to cherish every moment with my kids!
{Have I mentioned Griff hates wearing pants? Hope the indecent exposure phase will pass.}


Bree Shaw said...

i too admire sahm's. i love my kids to death, but i think i appreciate them more when i am away from them during the day. let me tell ya, the memory thing only gets worse!!!! i personally thought having two kids was harder than when we threw the 3rd one in the mix. BUT, jared worked out of town when the first two were born, so i was basically a single parent for 4 nights. i think you learn to multitask when you have the second one so a third one is a breeze. enjoy them, as you know they grow up way to fast.

btw..... the whole poop incident is hilarious!!!! been there, done that! :)

Hayley said...

I soooo wish you were close to me and could help me decorate! We got a new tv that sits above our fireplace and I have NO idea what to put next to it!! My "regular" way of decorating is picture frames! ha! They don't look good next to the tv. I don't even know where to start! Everything that is decorated in my house (that isn't a picture frame) was something my Mom put together and got for me as gifts! Seriously - EVERYTHING! I need serious help!!! haha! :)

Casey Lin Fitness said...

Funny times for us as readers, probably not for you as a parent. They do grow up fast.