Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Random Questions

When you are up at 4AM many a night, your mind starts to wander. I have these random questions that pop into my head & I wish I could find the answers.......

1) What is the best age to take your kids on a Disney vacation? (saw a commercial & I REALLY want to see Mickey!)2) What painter honestly thinks FLAT paint is a good idea in a home with children?

3) When will this flabby belly go away?

4) Do we have any ice cream left?

5) Why does my 2 year old get out of his bed at 5AM EVERY morning?

6) Could Super Nanny help keep my child in his own bed?
7) Why would anyone want to date Jon Gosselin?
8) How did I get so lucky to go to bed at night & the thing I worry about most is which kid will be waking up first....I don't have to worry about bombings, earthquakes, starvation....SO LUCKY.

9) How does adding one kid increase you laundry loads exponentially?

10) How am I going to keep up with this laundry when I go back to work?

11) When does "It's Complicated" come out on DVD? I absolutely loved that movie (saw with MIL last great to get out of the house!)

12) Will I ever get to see Journey in concert again? Don't Stop Believing......

13) Did Channing poop AGAIN?

14) Am I really done having kids?

15) What the heck is the movie Avatar about?

16) What took us so long to get a DVR? (Hours & hours of Barney & Friends recorded to keep Griff happy!)

17) Will my volleyball team kick me off the squad if I'm absolutely terrible tonight?

18) Does anyone else find George Stephanopoulos extremely sexy (in spite of his Ken-like hair)? Grrrrr

19) Was Amy serious about going to see PINK or Lady Gaga in concert this summer? (I hope so!)

20) Will I get a nap today?

anyway...that's what I ponder at 4 in the morning.


Hayley said...

Love it! To answer Number 10. You will NEVER be able to keep up with the laundry! Or am I the only one??? I swear I did 17 loads last weekend. Not kidding. I should have taken pictures of that for my blog. It took 2 1/2 hours to put it all away. Jenna has WAY too many clothes! But I LOVE it!!!

Next on my agenda.... pick out fun towels for the kids and put hooks in their rooms to hang them on so I don't have to wash 25 towels a week!!! HOW does a family of 4 dirty sooooo many towels?!!? I don't get it! I'm hoping this solves part of my problem!

Casey Lin Fitness said...

Totally agree with #7. The fact that girls want to date him totally boggles my mind. Also, if your volleyball team does kick you off, we get first dibs for you to come on ours!:)

Anonymous said...

Sorry Amy, we ain't kickin' you off and you can't EVER leave!!

Confession: We all reuse towels around here after bath/shower and hang 'em up by a hook! I wash them every two weeks (or more if I forget when they last got washed......)!! Heck, you can't be much cleaner than you are when you are using them!

Darcy said...

We would never get rid of you!! Plus, who would laugh at my Avitar and Twilight impressions?! Clothes are ridiculus, especially girlie ones. Just wait til she starts changing outfits like 5 times a day and you have no idea what is clean or dirty. Awesome!!

Amy Doehrmann said...

YES!! Amy is serious about Pink or Lady Gaga!! Just need to find them! Wouldn't that be a blast?? Plus if we could catch them in Chicago,!! Speaking of which, I'm do for a Chi-town shopping trip, anyone in?