Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bubs 18mo Stats & misc.

So, today I took Bubs in for his 18 mo. check.
Here's what I learned about little man
His stats:
Weight 25lb 15 oz (55 percentile)
Height 34 inches (80 percentile)
Head circumference 19 1/8" (55 percentile)
His testicles are high, like really high. Dr. has trouble finding them every time we go & has to do a whole lot of feeling around down there. Bubs doesn't seem to mind. Dr. asked me if Husband ever had trouble with his testicles descending. Ummm, to be honest, I don't think that has ever been a topic of conversation.
Bubs drinks too much milk. (never thought drinking milk was a bad thing...kinda knew giving your child beer or tequila was bad, but never milk)
He's very handsome (Dr. said it...I completely agree....but Dr. was the one to point it out)
Bubs is brilliant. A kid his age is supposed to be able to say about 10 words. Bubs knows a lot more...maybe like 13 or 14 words. GENIUS.
Most importantly, HE IS HEALTHY--and that is ALL that matters!
(probably not now after he licked the fish tank in the waiting room)
POTTY TIME! EXCELLENT! (come on, Wayne's World fans?!)Bubs has taken an interest in the potty lately.
Apparently one of the older kids at daycare is in the process of being "trained"
I thought we would get him his own little throne.
It is a simple model.
No bells or whistles.
I figured if we got the standard pot, he would be less likely to jack around & use it only for doing his "business".
Unfortunately, I was also trying to be financially conscience, and decided to buy the 3 in 1 potty.
"For a Happy Tushie"
I mean, who doesn't want a happy tushie.
(it says that on the box, i didn't make that up).
It's a potty, a trainer seat, & a step stool all in 1.
3 in 1 means more pieces for the little engineer to tinker with.
So, simple pot, it is not.
I took his diaper off and sat him on the potty.
He giggled & immediately jumped up and started pulling the thing apart.
Then he peed on the floor.
And then he stepped in his own urine.

I think it might be a tad bit early to push the potty thing.
It would be nice not have to pay for diapers...
but the thought of asking him if he needs to go potty every 5 minutes
or taking a diaper on & off 200 times a day might tip me over the edge.

On a totally unrelated subject...there was a birthday celebrated at daycare today. Our daycare provider's daughter turned 10.
I thought I would make a little pretty for her to hang in her room.
I started with a blank canvas, a letter "O", craft paint, Mod Podge, 2 pieces of scrapbook paper, cheapo ribbon, & some flowery embellishments.
I think I purchased almost everything at Michaels with a wonderful 40% off coupon.
I painted the sides of the canvas & the "O" with the pink craft paint.
Once the paint dried I covered the canvas & the "O" with a layer of Mod Podge & then slapped on the scrapbook paper.
I let that dry & chased Bubs for a bit.

Bubs decided he wanted to get in on the action.
He wasn't much help, but he sat quietly (for like 3 whole minutes) while I covered the canvas & "O" with Mod Podge.
Next I got out my trusty hot glue gun & added the flowery embellishments & cheapo ribbon.
In real life, (not in blog life with mediocre pictures because of a crappy camera)
this little pretty for Olivia's room is CA-UTE.
Hope she likes it!
Whole craft cost under $10 & took maybe an hour to complete (just because of paint & Mod Podge drying)
Easy Peasy!

1 comment:

Our Family said...

cute sign! Love it!
and this post is hilarious. i'm sure someday he'll appreciate these pictures!