Thursday, March 26, 2009

Odor eaters please!

I'm appalled.
I just walked into my laundry area to tidy it up a bit
& smelled a very, very foul odor.
Like something had died.
I of course figured it was Hub's size 12 nasty shoes on the floor
or a dirty diaper left in the laundry room garbage
or possibly even a sippy cup with rancid milk left on the counter.
This raunchy odor was coming from my 18mo. old's size 6 Nikes.
Holy Schnikes!
Can you say "ODOR EATERS" Bubs?
Oh, that's right, you only say "NO".
Is it normal for his feet to reek like that?
I guess the kid does play hard in those little shoes.
Seriously Bubs, we need to work on the personal hygiene a bit.

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