Friday, March 13, 2009

What's In A Name

Has anyone ever asked you the reason behind your kid's name?
Since Griffin is not what you would call common, I am often asked why I chose that particular name for my little Bubs.
Is it a family name? NO
Is he named after someone special? No
Is there a special meaning behind the name? No
To be honest, I don't really know why we decided on the name.
I started to think of famous "Griffins" to see if there was any correlation there.....this is the list I managed to come up with:
Kathy Griffin: the wacko self proclaimed "D-List Celebrity."
Pretty sure she didn't even cross our minds when we thought of the name. To tell you the truth, probably wouldn't have picked the name if there was any association there.

Griffin Dunne: Actor, best known for his stellar role in Who's That Girl with Madonna.

I loved that movie.
Madonna was so cool back then (cone bra, Like A Virgin days)
I really don't know what else this guy has been in.
Nah, he had nothing to do with the name choice.

Eddie Griffin: Actor, well known for his work in Undercover Brother.

(never did see that one)
Think he might be in other low budget comedies.
Nope, not the reason we chose the name.

The Griffin family from Family Guy
Funny show--slightly messed up.

Definitely had nothing to do with the pick.
Merv Griffin: American television host & media mogul who created such successful game shows as Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy.
Much more respectable than the other "Griffins".
But, no, still not the reason we stuck with Bub's name.
And then I figured it out: The real reason we chose the name Griffin
(or the reason I'm going to use from now on)

The griffin is a fantasy creature with the body of a lion & the head & often wings of an eagle. As the lion was traditionally considered the king of the beasts and the eagle the king of the birds, the griffin was thought to be an especially powerful and majestic creature.
How freakin' bad a$$ is that?!
Apparently everyone needs a reason as to why they named their child so & so.
Now I have mine.

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